About me and "Punkt"
I kept asking myself the questions above. It was easy to feel bad or to be on cloud nine within just a few days. Why is that so? I started to reflect a little bit on what happened lately. I really struggled with that. I didn’t know what happened last week on Wednesday or what made me super happy the other day.
It’s easy to forget about the blue sky (I love that quote from Headspace, where they encourage you to think about the blue sky which is always there, even if there are dark and rainy clouds on the sky). But it’s also tempting to think you’ve done it and there will always be the blue sky from now on. So it’s a mixture of feelings and it can change very rapidly. To find out about when I had certain emotions and what driving factors I have in my life I started journaling in a Google Sheet.
I quite liked the idea of the one-sentence journal to have an easy start. It turned out that this worked really well for me, to sit down in the evening and take 5-10 minutes to describe your day in just one sentence. One single sentence and “that’s it” or how Austrians would say “Ein Satz. Punkt.”
It’s a perfect way to filter for different situations or moments. If I’m super happy I can reflect my rougher times and appreciate the current situation even more. If I’m a little bit down I can filter for happy moments to brighten up my mood.
I’ve now made this a side project together with my wonderful girlfriend and brought the Google Sheet to an iOS app. The app is free to download and available for iOS and iPadOS.